Рабочее давление r404a: характеристики, кипение, рабочее давление, таблицы

R404a или R507. Что эффективнее?

404a vs r507. What is more efficient?

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Freon R404a was developed to replace the outdated refrigerant R502, which had a greenhouse effect and depleted the ozone layer.

The principle of phasing out CFCs — for example, R502 — in new refrigeration systems came into force 10 years ago. The ban on the use of HCFCs (primarily R22) in new equipment has been in effect since 2004, and in 2010 it will be prohibited to service any systems that use this refrigerant.
In the meantime, hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants such as R404A and R507 are increasingly replacing obsolete refrigerants and are being adopted by almost all OEMs. However, the increasing importance of energy efficiency leads to more attention being paid to the choice of refrigerant: after all, even small changes in performance can achieve significant energy savings.

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Why use HFCs?

Compounds based on hydrofluorocarbons do not deplete the ozone layer (ozone depletion potential is zero) and are extremely effective as refrigerants, therefore their use will lead to significant energy savings in the future. Moreover, when properly stored, they do not have a noticeable effect on the global warming process, which makes their use more justified from the point of view of protecting the environment. In addition, they are non-flammable, chemically resistant, non-toxic, easy to handle and compatible with many materials.
Finally, hydrofluorocarbons have good thermodynamic properties. This means that they fully meet the technical specifications and refrigeration capacity requirements for the systems under development, as well as for retrofit systems that previously used R502 refrigerant. These systems can range from small stand-alone refrigeration units to supermarket equipment and industrial process equipment.

HFCs are the best refrigerant for new systems replacing those that used R22.

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Characteristics of R404A and R507

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R404A is a mixture of R143a, R125 and R134a (the ratio of the mass fractions of the components is 52, 44 and 4, respectively), and R507 is an azeotropic mixture of R143a (50%) and R125 (50%).
R404A is a near azeotropic refrigerant mixture (temperature glide, i.e., the phase transition temperature difference at constant pressure is approximately 0.6K). For comparison, R507 is an azeotropic mixture (liquid and gas phases have the same composition under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, there is no glide), which behaves like a one-component liquid. Both refrigerants are suitable for an evaporating temperature range of -45 to + 10 ° C.
The heat transfer coefficient of an azeotropic mixture is generally higher than that of a non-azeotropic mixture. Therefore, a heat exchanger using an azeotropic mixture, all other things being equal, has a smaller heat exchange area or a higher evaporation temperature and a lower condensation temperature, which, in principle, leads to significant energy savings.
Another advantage of the R507 blend is that it does not contain R134a. In fact, the thermodynamic and physical characteristics of R134a not only adversely affect heat transfer, but also lead to a decrease in the volumetric refrigeration capacity of R404A (possibly a 15% reduction), especially at low evaporating temperatures (below −30 ° C).
Tests have shown that the R507 refrigerant meets the basic requirement for replacing R502 in modernized systems: the refrigerating capacity of the new refrigerant is the same as that of the replaced one, or even higher. In fact, the refrigerating capacity of R507 in most cases slightly exceeds the refrigerating capacity of R502, while the refrigerating capacity of R404A is the same as that of R502, or slightly lower.

The efficiency of the system on R507 can be higher or lower than the efficiency of the system on R502, depending on the type of system, while the efficiency of the system on R404A is always lower than when using R507 or R502. This was found out by testing various refrigerants for an industrial refrigeration plant that previously used R22 refrigerant. The R507 blend is even more efficient than R502 when the liquid refrigerant is subcooled before entering the control valve.
The use of R507 increases the reliability of the compressor, since the discharge temperature in this case is 1-2 ° C lower than for R404A, 11-12 ° C lower than for R502

and even lower for R22.

The use of R507 also allows for a 2% reduction in pressure ratio compared to R404A.

This, together with the higher efficiency of the heat exchangers (especially the condensers), makes it possible to optimize the energy requirements of the compressor and improve the performance.

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Maintenance with R404A and R507

R507 is an azeotropic mixture that behaves like a one-component liquid, and therefore, in its application, unlike R404A, there are no problems associated with the separation of components. As a result, when charging, R507 refrigerant can be in both liquid and gaseous form, which allows you to easily restore its shortage after a leak and subsequent repair work.
However, both R507 and R404A can be used in the system as the mixture will still meet specifications even after 50% of the total refrigerant has leaked. In practice, when refueling with R507, the efficiency of the system increases over time.
In most cases, we do not recommend mixing refrigerants, but the combined use of R507 and R404A is quite acceptable and does not lead to any difficulties, since the components of these two refrigerants are almost identical and well compatible.

( in the R404A mixture, R134a is present in the amount of 4 wt %).

The resulting mixture differs little in its characteristics from the original refrigerant.

When replacing R404A with R507, the suction and discharge pressures increase slightly.

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In ozrastaet and refrigeration capacity (by 1-3% depending on the type of system used).
Therefore, the use of R507 is especially useful for maintenance .

In addition, replacing R404A with R507 can be a solution in cases where heat exchangers are operated at their limits. This replacement improves the efficiency of the heat exchanger and improves the performance of the compressor.

Both R404A and R507 require synthetic lubricants such as polyester oils. Lubricants for CFC and HCFC refrigerants such as mineral oil and alkylbenzene do not have appreciable solubility in hydrofluorocarbon compounds. This can interfere with the circulation of the oil in the system and make it difficult to return to the compressor.
Use only filter driers recommended for use with R404A or R507. Since synthetic lubricants for these refrigerants absorb moisture more strongly, it is advisable to use a slightly larger filter to increase moisture separation . In any case, it is strongly recommended to follow the rules for handling liquefied gases when servicing systems with refrigerants R404A and R507.

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Compliance with regulations

Whichever refrigerant is used in the system, it is imperative to prevent polluting emissions to the atmosphere by implementing good working practices and regularly checking for leaks. Therefore, the work must be carried out by qualified specialists using the appropriate equipment, which will ensure the tightness of the joints. In addition, the design and commissioning of systems should take into account the criteria for optimal efficiency and ease of maintenance (which includes, in particular, regular cleaning of the evaporator and condenser).
Moreover, it is imperative that all used refrigerant is properly disposed of.

In the long term, both R404A and R507 blends have proven to be effective replacements for chlorinated hydrocarbons (CFCs and HCFCs) for both new equipment and retrofit systems that previously used R502 refrigerant.

R404A is the most commonly used and widely used HFC refrigerant. Where energy savings or ease of use are essential, R507 offers some advantages over R404A. With these small but distinct additional benefits, refrigeration owners can reap significant benefits over the long term.

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Refrigeration systems in transport equipment use two refrigerants.

R134a — low pressure refrigerant. Working pressure about 16 atmospheres. It is also used in car and bus air conditioners.

It is a one-component gas and allows any refueling during repairs and refueling.

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Refrigerated trucks operating on R134a, unlike those operating on R404a, bring down the temperature inside the van faster, namely by 30%, in the range from +30 to 0 degrees.

Refrigerant R404a is a high pressure mixture. Working pressure about 27 atm .

It is used in all refrigerated trucks operating on heat and for transporting frozen food.

It is a three-component gas and in the event of a leak of more than 30% of the filling volume, a full filling is required during repairs, which increases the cost of its maintenance.

Since the operating pressure of the R404a refrigerant is almost 2 times higher than that of the R134a, therefore, the compressors designed to operate on these refrigerants will be different both in design and in price.

Compressors for R404a have special markings such as HD or XD, and they differ from conventional compressors by the presence of a special Teflon coating on the pistons and special neoprene seals between the compressor casing parts .

If the compressor «born» for R134a is used in systems with R404a, then it is equivalent to pouring A95 gasoline into the engine running on A76 gasoline. The engine will overheat and jam !!!

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Характеристики хладагента R404A на линии насыщения

Температура, 0C Насыщенная жидкость Насыщенный пар
Давление насыщения, 105 Па Плотность, кг/м3 Удельная энтальпия, кДж/кг Удельная энтропия, кДж/(кг*К) Давление насыщения, 105 Па Плотность, кг/м3 Удельная энтальпия, кДж/кг Удельная энтропия, кДж/(кг*К) Удельная теплота парообразования, кДж/кг
-50 0,851 1314,12 137,8 0,751 0,814 4,407 339,2
-45 1,081 1299,839 143,5 0,777 1,038 5,532 342,4 1,651 198,9
-40 1,358 1285,173 149,3 0,802 1,309 6,873 345,7 1,646 196,3
-35 1,688 1270,1 155,3 0,827 1,632 8,457 348,9 1,642 193,6
1254,598 161,3 0,851 2,015 10,316 352,1 1,638 190,8
-25 2,532 1238,637 167,4 0,876 2,463 12,484 355,3 1,635 187,9
-20 3,061 1222,189 173,6 0,901 2,986 14,999 358,4 1,632 184,7
-15 3,671 1205,217 180,0 0,926 3,590 17,902 361,4 1,630 181,4
-10 4,371 1187,681 186,5 0,950 4,283 21,242 364,4 1,628 177,9
-5 5,167 1169,535 193,2 0,975 5,074 25,07 367,4 1,626 174,2
0 6,070 1150,724 200,0 1,000 5,970 29,447 370,2 1,624 170,2
7,088 1131,185 207,0 1,025 6,982 34,443 372,9 1,622 165,9
10 8,229 1110,838 214,2 1,050 8,118 40,141 375,5 1,621 161,4
15 9,504 1089,592 221,6 1,076 9,387 46,637 378,0 1,619 156,4
20 10,922 1067,331 229,2 1,101 10,800 54,048 380,3 1,617 151,1
25 12,493 1043,909 237,1 1,127 12,366 62,517 382,4 1,615 145,3
30 14,229 1019,138 245,3 1,154 14,096 72,226 384,3 1,613 139,0
35 16,140 992,77 253,8 1,181 16,000 83,404
1,610 132,1
40 18,237 964,463 262,7 1,209 18,090 96,357 387,2 1,607 124,5
45 20,533 933,725 272,1 1,238 20,377 111,504 388,0 1,603 115,9
50 23,041 899,803 282,2 1,268 22,875 129,45 388,4 1,597 106,2

R-404A Таблица давления и температуры — HVAC Buddy®


Тип масла:


Критическая температура: 90 006

161,7 F / 72 C

Критическое давление:

540,8 фунтов на кв. дюйм / 37,3 бар





900 04 Класс безопасности:



R22 (R502)

Озоноразрушающий потенциал:

Цветовой код:


Молекулярная масса:


Температура кипения:

-51,88 F / -46,6 C

9007 0 900 70 900 83 -143,0 900 83 0,7 900 79 90 079 900 83 -128,0 900 79 900 83 2,6 9007 9 9 0083 11,2 9 0070 9008 3 -41,0 9 0083 20,1 9008 3 22,7 9 0083 23,2 9008 3 26,1 9 0079 90 070 9 0083 -17,0 9008 3 42,6 9007 0 900 70 9 0083 13,0 90 070 9008 3 78,1 9 0070 9 0083 93,3 9008 3 40,0 900 83 103,5 9008 3 110,5 900 79 9008 3 122,2 900 83 149,7 900 83 67,0 90 070 900 83 164,6 900 83 198,5 900 70 9008 3 211,1 90 083 251,5 90 079 2 76,1 90 083 110,0 9 0083 300,4 90 083 343,7 9 0079 9 0070 9 0083 143,0 90 083 442,4 1 50,0 948 1. 1
температура °F температура °F пузырьки/кв. дюйм абз. 0 0,4 0,3
-149,0 0,4 0,4
-148,0 0,4 0,4
-147,0 0,4 0,4
-146,0 0,5 0,4
— 145,0 0,5 0,4
-144,0 0,5 0,5
0,5 0,5
-142,0 0,6 0,5
-141,0 0,6 0,5
-140,0 0. 6 0,6
-139,0 0,6 0,6
-138,0 0 .7 0,6
-137,0 0,7 0,6
-136,0 0,7
-135,0 0,8 0,7
-134,0 0,8 0,7
-133,0 0,9 0,8
-132,0 0,9 0,8
-131,0 0,9 0,9
-130,0 1,0 0,9
-129,0 1,0 0,9
1,1 1,0
-127,0 1,1 1,0
-126,0 1,2 1,1
-125,0 9008 4 1,2 1,1
-124,0 1,3 1,2
-123,0 900 84 1,3 1,2
-122,0 1,4 1,3
-121,0 1 . 4 1,3
-120,0 1,5 1,4
-119,0 1,6 1,4
-118,0 1,6 1. 5
-117,0 1,7 1,6
-116,0 1,8 1 .6
-115,0 1,8 1,7
-114,0 1,9 1,8
-113,0 2,0 1,9
-112,0 2.1 1.9
-111.0 2.2 2.0
-110. 0 2,2 2,1
-109,0 2,3 2,2
-108 .0 2,4 2,3
-107,0 2,5 2,3
-106,0 2,4
-105,0 2,7 2,5
-104,0 2,8 2,6
-103,0 2,9 2. 7
-102,0 3,0 2,8
-101,0 3,1 2 .9
-100,0 3,2 3,1
-99,0 3,4 3,2
-98,0 3,5 3,3
-97,0 3,6 3,4
-96,0 3,7 3,5
— 95,0 3,9 3,7
-94,0 4,0 3,8
-9 3.0 4,2 3,9
-92,0 4,3 4,1
-91,0 4,4 4,2
-90,0 4,6 4,4
-89,0 4,8 4,5
-88,0 4,9 4,7
-87,0 5,1 4,8
-86,0 5,3 5,0 9 0084
-85,0 5,4 5,2
-84,0 5,6 5,3
-83,0 5,8 5,5
-82,0 6,0 5,7
-81,0 6,2 5,9
-80,0 6,4 6,1
-79,0 6,6 6,3
-78,0 9 0084 6,8 6,5
-77,0 7,0 6,7
-76,0 7,2 6,9
-75,0 7,4 7,1
-74,0 7,7 7,3
-73,0 7,9 7,6
-72,0 8,2 7,8
-71,0 8,4 8,0 9 0084
-70,0 8,7 8,3
-69,0 8,9 8,5
-68,0 9,2 8,8
-67,0 9,5 9,1
-66,0 9,7 9,3
-65,0 10,0 9,6
-64,0 10,3 9,9
-63,0 10,6 10,2
-62,0 10,9 10,5
-61,0 10,8
-60,0 11,6 11,1
-59,0 11,9 11,4
-58,0 12,2 90 084 11,8
-57,0 12,6 12,1
-56,0 12,9 12,4
-55,0 13,3 12,8
-54,0 13,6 13,1
-53,0 14,0 13,5
-52,0 14,4 13,9
-51,0 14,8 14,3 90 084
-50,0 15,2 14,6
-49,0 15,6 15,0
-48,0 16,0 15,4
-47,0 16,4 15,9
-46,0 16,8 16,3
-45,0 17,3 16,7
-44,0 17,7 17,1
-4 3,0 18,2 17,6
-42,0 18,7 18,1
19,1 18,5
-40,0 19,6 19,0
-39,0 19,5
-38,0 20,6 20,0
-37,0 21,1 20,5
-36,0 2 1,7 21,0
-35,0 22,2 21,5
-34,0 22,1
-33,0 23,3 22,6
-32,0 23,9
-31,0 24,4 23,7
-30,0 25,0 24,3
-29,0 25,6 2 4,9
-28,0 26,2 25,5
-27,0 26,9
-26,0 27,5 26,7
-25,0 28,1 27,4
-24,0 28,8 28,0
-23,0 29,5 28,7
-22,0 30,1 29,3
-21,0 30,8 30,0
-20,0 31,5 30,7
— 19,0 32,2 31,4
-18,0 33,0 32,1
33,7 32,9
-16,0 34,5 33,6
-15,0 35,2 34,4
-14,0 90 084 36,0 35,1
-13,0 36,8 35,9
-12,0 37,6 36,7
-11,0 38,4 37,5
-10,0 39,3 38,3
-9,0 40,1 39. 2
-8,0 41,0 40,0
-7,0 41,8 40,9
-6,0 42,7 41,7
-5,0 43,6
-4,0 44,5 43,5
-3,0 45,5 44 .5
-2,0 46,4 45,4
-1,0 47,4 46,3
0,0 48,4 47,3
1,0 49,3 48,3
2,0 50,4 49,3
3,0 51,4 50,3
4,0 52,4 51,3
5,0 53 .5 52,4
6,0 54,5 53,4
7,0 55,6 54,5
8,0 56,7 9008 4 55,6
9,0 57,8 56,7
10,0 59,0 90 084 57,8
11,0 60,1 59,0
12,0 61,3 60,1
62,5 61,3
14,0 63,7 62,5
15,0 64,9 63,7
16,0 66,2 64,9
17,0 67,4 66,2
18,0 68,7 67,4
19,0 70,0 68,7
20,0 71,3 9 0084 70,0
21,0 72,6 71,3
22,0 74,0 72,7
23,0 7 5,3 74,0
24,0 76,7 75,4
25,0 76,8
26,0 79,5 78,2
27,0 81,0 79,6
28,0 82,4 81,1
29,0 83,9 82,5
30,0 85,4 84,0 90 084
31,0 87,0 85,5
32,0 88,5 87,1
33,0 90,1 88,6
34,0 91,6 90,2
35,0 91,8
36,0 94,9 93,4
37,0 96,5 95,0
3 8,0 98,2 96,7
39,0 99,9 98,4
101,6 100,1
41,0 103,3 101,8
42,0 105,1
43,0 106,9 105,3
44,0 108,7 107,1
45,0 108,9
46,0 112,3 110,7
47,0 900 84 114,2 112,6
48,0 116,1 114,5
49,0 118,0 116,4
50,0 120,0 118,3
51,0 121,9 120,3
52,0 123,9
53,0 125,9 124,2
54,0 128,0 900 84 126,3
55,0 130,0 128,3
56,0 132,1 130,4
57 . 0 134,2 132,5
58,0 136,3 134,6
59,0 138,5 136,8 900 84
60,0 140,7 138,9
61,0 142,9 14 1,1
62,0 145,2 143,4
63,0 147,4 145,6
64,0 147,9
65,0 152,0 150,2
66,0 154,4 152,5
156,7 154,9
68,0 159,1 157,3
69,0 161,6 159,7
70,0 164,0 162,1
71,0 166,5
72,0 169.0 167,1
73,0 171,5 169,6
74,0 174,1 172,2
75,0 176,7 174,8
76,0 179,3 177,4
77,0 182,0 180,0
78,0 184,6 182 . 7
79,0 187,3 185,4
80,0 190,1 188,1
81,0 192. 9 190,9
82,0 195,7 193,7
83,0 196,5
84,0 201,3 199,3
85,0 204,2 202,2
86,0 207,2 205,1
87,0 210,1 208,1
88,0 213,1
89,0 216,1 214,1
90,0 219,2 900 84 217,1
91,0 222,3 220,2
92,0 225,4 223,3
93 .0 228,5 226,4
94,0 231,7 229,6
95,0 234,9 232,8 900 84
96,0 238,1 236,0
97,0 241,4 23 9,3
98,0 244,7 242,6
99,0 248,1 246,0
100,0 249,3
101,0 254,9 252,8
102,0 258,3 256,2
103,0 261,8 259,7
104,0 265,3 263,2
105,0 268,9 274,0
108,0 279,8 277,6
109,0 283,5 281,3
287,2 285,1
111,0 291,0 288,8
112,0 294,8 292,7
113,0 298,7 296,5
114,0 302,6
115,0 306,5 304,3
116,0 310,5 308,3
11 7,0 314,5 312,3
118,0 318,5 316,4
119,0 322,6 320,4
120,0 326,8 324,6
121,0 330,9 3 28,8
122,0 335,1 333,0
123,0 339,4 337,2
124,0 341,5
125,0 348,0 345,9
126,0 352,4 350,2
127,0 356,8 354,7
128,0 361,3 359,1
129,0 365,8 363,7
130,0 370,3 368,2
131,0 37 4,9 372,8
132,0 379,6 377,5
133,0 384,3 382,2
134,0 389,0 386,9
135,0 393,8 391,7
136,0 398,6 396,6
137,0 403,5 401,4
138,0 408,4 900 84 406,4
139,0 413,4 411,4
140,0 418,4 416,4
141,0 423,5 421,5
142,0 428,6 426,6
433,8 431,8
144,0 439,0 437,1
145,0 444,3
146,0 449,6 447,8
147,0 455,0 453,2
148,0 471,5 469,8
153,0 488,5 486,9
154,0 494,3 492,8
155,0 500,2 498,7
156,0 506,1 504,7
157,0 9 0084 512,1 510,8
158,0 518,1 516,9
159,0 524,3 523,2 9 0084
160.0 530.5 529.5

HVAC Buddy®

Упростите свою работу с помощью нашего удобного рефрижератора герант зарядка и диагностика Приложение HVAC.

HVAC Buddy®

Облегчите себе работу с помощью нашего удобного хладагента Давление Температура Приложение HVAC.

Каким должно быть давление для 404A? – БиоСидмартин


Эстер Флеминг

Каким должно быть давление для 404A?

Таблица давления хладагента R404a

Температура (по Фаренгейту) Температура (по Цельсию) R404a Давление
– 35°F – 37,2°С 6,8 фунтов на кв. дюйм
– 30°F – 34,4°С 9,6 фунтов на кв. дюйм
– 25°F – 31,7°С 12,7 фунтов на кв. дюйм
– 20°F – 28,9°С 16 фунтов на кв. дюйм

Как заправлять фреоном r404?

Баллоны с хладагентом R-404A и R-507 имеют погружную трубку, и жидкость заправляется при вертикальном положении баллона. Прервите окончательный вакуум, заправив жидкий хладагент в отверстие выпускного клапана ресивера или в область жидкостной линии ниже по потоку от выхода ресивера.

Как рассчитать заправку хладагента?

Никаких сложных математических расчетов не требуется, вы просто суммируете газ в трубе, секцию компрессора/конденсатора и испаритель = общий заряд. В результате они захватывают только 30-40% заряда системы и, следовательно, не учитывают плату за емкость.

Каким должно быть давление на стороне высокого и низкого давления?

Фактические показания зависят от температуры окружающей среды. Низкая сторона должна быть около 30 фунтов на квадратный дюйм при 90 градусах по Фаренгейту или меньше. Давление, которое слишком сильно ниже или выше, указывает на наличие проблемы. В правильно работающей системе давление на стороне высокого давления будет примерно в два раза выше температуры окружающей среды плюс 50 фунтов на квадратный дюйм.

Можно ли заряжать 404A как газ?

Из-за почти азеотропной природы Forane® 404A лучше заправлять его в жидком виде, чтобы предотвратить фракционирование (изменения в расчетном составе хладагента), но его также можно заправлять в виде газа.

Какое количество хладагента следует заправлять?

Общее практическое правило Общее количество, которое можно рассчитать, составляет 2-4 фунта на тонну охлаждения для вашей системы. Например: 3-тонному кондиционеру или тепловому насосу с 35-футовым трубопроводом потребуется в общей сложности примерно 6-12 фунтов хладагента для полной перезарядки из пустого. Это включает в себя набор линий, катушку и блок.

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